Scheduled training courses are advertised on our website, and typically take place in north of Atlanta, Ga. Places are open to the public. There are never more than 6 people on our scheduled course.
Immerse yourself in real-time, instructor-led virtual courses, designed for engagement. Led by MCT expert instructors, these hands-on classes run from 9 AM to 9:00 PM EST, Monday to Friday. Connect with your instructor and classmates through live web conferences.
his is a customized training courses for private and businesses around the United State of America. These courses usually run at the client’s site, although we can host them in one of our training venues. For a tailored course a client can choose the topics, dates, times, venue and duration for the course. Our only stipulation is that we won’t train more than 8 people at a time, as the quality of the training would inevitably suffer otherwise.
3985 Steve Reynolds Blvd Phase 11 Building Q, Norcross GA 30093